1. Climate change has happened since the dawn of mankind - it's nothing new so why are you wasting billions of dollars telling us we need to take drastic changes for the future of tomorrow when somehow we've managed to survive for thousands of years?
2. Support for parents, families, the elderly, the unemployed, first home buyers, new parents...WHAT ABOUT STUDENTS? We have to pay thousands of dollars each year in tuition fees unlike your generation as well as the yearly cost of buying books and supplies then add on living expenses - travel to/from uni, food, rent, etc. Where's the support for students who are at university and work part time but weren't able to get government assistance because our parents earn "too much" a.k.a. over $150,000 p.a.? We're contributing members of society and as adults our parents don't want to keep giving us cash handouts.
3. Infrastructure - Australia's population is rapidly growing whether you like it or not. Nobody in their right mind would want to live in the most rural of places and Australia's cities aren't well designed. Let's not turn into Beijing with their thousands of skyscrapers housing millions. We need more sub-cities close to the state capitals but far away enough that the major cities aren't becoming overpopulated. We need better transport systems to cater for the masses and more toll free major roads with more then 2-3 lanes each way.
That's all I can think of for now but before I finish I just thought I'd share this piece about the pro's and con's of voting for Labor and Liberal. No I did not just add it because it favors Liberal, I added it because it's quite humerous.
"Political reasons can not and should not be justified by the appearance or beliefs of the party leaders.
Redhead ranga should get back to the kitchen
Abbot is a Christian zealot with an ugly face.
Reason to not vote Labor:
1) 150 billion spending in under 3 years (Source: http://www.aofm.gov.au/)
2) 10 billion dollars a year in debt from interest alone
3) Claiming to be the reason for saving Australia from the Global Financial Crisis when infact it was the Liberal reforms from the former government which saved this country (Along with the export boom to China).
4) Mindless spending with no successful outcomes. So far all projects done by Labor have been wasteful or unsuccessful.
5) Constant false promises
6) Labor has ALWAYS put this country to debt. It took 10 years to get rid of the Hawk/Keating Labor debt.
7) Disastrous Labor implementation of: Fuelwatch, Grocery watch, pink batts, school halls, 38 of 260 promised child care centres...
Reasons not to vote Liberal:
1) Against the National Broadband Network.
2) Bringing back minor aspects of Work Choices (Note: Work choices from former Liberal Government is DEAD).
Reasons to vote Liberal:
1) Nine of the shadow ministers have been ministers in a successful government.
2) Liberal's HAVE worked out their budget plans unlike Labor who have never made nor released any.
3) Liberals have always paid off debt caused by Labor and has kept this country in surplus.
4) Realistic. No bullshit claims like "Laptop for every child", Liberals have their head straight.
Reasons to vote Labor:
1) National Broadband Network
Voting Green means Labor automatically get your vote.
End of the Liberal government saw Australia with a 40 billion dollar surplus.
Labor now sees Australia in >80 billion dollars of debt (Even that is a conservative figure).
You need a new GOVERNMENT not a new Prime minister to change this country. Just because Rudd is out, it won't change anything.
Labor's ONLY way of bringing the country back to surplus is TAX. See the mining tax failure? Look further back, the tax on cigarettes, do you honestly think it was for our health? No. It was so that Labor can rake in more money to fund it's ludicrous spending."
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